What we talk about can speaks volumes about what we care about. And not just what we say, but how we say it.

Have you ever known someone who would light up whenever a certain topic would come up in conversation? Regardless of the situation, you knew that they immediately would be fully engaged.

I’ve seen this in others, and I’ve seen this in myself. And now I’m wondering, What exactly are those things that trigger that kind of reaction in me—those things that cause to speak up and to be fully engaged in the conversation?

And, what does the answer to this question say about me and what I care about? Is there alignment between what I think is important to me, and what my words and passion demonstrate is important to me?

Because I can think something is important to me, but if it never comes up in my conversations, or if there’s no corresponding passion or energy when it does, perhaps it’s not nearly as important to me as I think.