Have you ever set your alarm, and then it didn’t go off when you wanted it to?

That happened to me this morning. I wake up and it’s a few minutes later than what I had set my alarm for, and I suddenly realize it had not gone off. Thankfully, it wasn’t a big deal. But it was still baffling—I remembered distinctly setting it last night. So I checked it, and discovered the issue. Somehow, I had switched it from AM to PM. So it would have gone off, just at the wrong time—a time that looked very similar to what I wanted, but 12 hours too late.

This little incident got me thinking. How many times do we set up goals or systems for our lives or businesses, and think we’re on the right track, only later to realize that they’re actually not going to deliver what we anticipated, or at least not in the timeframe we were thinking? We set the goal, we establish the system, but don’t notice that it’s not actually going to get us where we really want to go.