Have you ever been in a situation where you were close to walking away, but you stuck with it just a little longer, and suddenly things changed, and you were glad you didn’t give up too soon?

There will be times when it would be easy to shrug your shoulders and give up. But sometimes the best thing to do is to simply wait a little bit longer — to keep moving forward and see if anything changes.

Yes, there are times to move on. But often it can be easy to do so prematurely when things don’t develop the way we had envisioned. Sometimes it’s only a matter of time for things to start turning around. But if we walk away too quickly, we’re guaranteed to miss it.

If there are good reasons you started down the path you’re on, and if there’s anything important at stake, the more reason to not give up too quickly. Yes, the situation may not appear to be going anywhere in the moment. But you never know when things will begin to change — it could be sooner than you think.