Have you ever driven somewhere, and upon arriving don’t remember anything about the trip to get there?

I know I’ve experienced this several times, and it can be eye-opening. Sure, I arrived safely, but I realized I was essentially on autopilot most of the time, and have no recollection of actually driving large parts of the journey. Perhaps you’ve experienced this same thing.

The same phenomenon can happen in other areas of life. We can go about our day, but at certain moments realize we’ve been on autopilot, and haven’t really been paying attention. Perhaps we get to the end of the day, and have no idea where the time went or what we were up to during all those hours.

We’re all on a journey heading somewhere. The question is, Will we choose to move forward with intentionality and awareness? Or will we be content to live on autopilot, hoping that we’re headed in the right direction, and all the while missing out on the journey along the way?