“There is no map.”Linchpin, Seth Godin

There is no step-by-step manual for how to do something remarkable in your life, in your work, in your relationships. Following a clearly defined map for how to navigate the circumstances of life would certainly make it easier, but then everyone would be doing it, and it wouldn’t be remarkable at all.

Each of is unique, our situations are unique, and our lives are full of uncertainty and change. Doing the hard work of forging ahead in the face of this uncertainty, of investing emotional energy into what we’re doing, and of seeing our situations clearly and responding appropriately, these are not things that can be put down into an easy-to-follow formula. Yet, these are the things that help us live remarkable lives and do remarkable work.

So instead of spending time looking for detailed instructions for our current situation–how to lead, how to love, how to create, how to serve–it’s better to actually be about the hard work of doing these things, and learning as we go.

There is no map. And ironically enough, realizing this can actually help us move forward in our journey.