(A year ago, I wrote about watching a local running event and some of the observations I made. This year, instead of being a spectator, I was a participant in the same event.)

This past weekend, I ran a 10k, the first road race I’ve run in quite a while (15+ yrs). In reflecting back on the experience, the one thing that stood out was how having people around you as you compete makes a huge difference.

Whether it’s a friend running nearby, or a group of runners in the general vicinity, or the crowd on the edges of the course — in different ways, all of them can help you keep going when it’s tempting to give up.

I saw this first-hand in the context of running, but the principle applies elsewhere. Regardless of the situation you’re in, having others nearby who can encourage you to keep going, can dramatically impact how, or if, you finish.

How Others Can Help

With Their Words

During a race, sometimes others help through their words. Maybe it’s a nearby friend, or even strangers on the side of the road, saying things like, “Keep going. You’re almost there.” or “Great job!” or “You can do this.”  They may not seem like much, but little words of encouragement can go a long way.

With Their Actions

Beyond words, sometimes others help with their actions. Like the volunteers who hand out water to runners as they pass by. Or the friend who helps set the pace for you, so you could stay on target.

With Their Presence

And sometimes it’s not about the words or the actions. It’s simply the fact that others are there ‘with’ you. Perhaps it’s a friend who stays close to you throughout the race, whose very presence helps you to continue on. Perhaps it’s seeing all the other runners around you, knowing that they are experiencing the same thing (pain, exhaustion, etc.) you are, and yet are still going.

Knowing we’re not alone — that others are there — can help us take that next step, even when we’re not sure we want to.

More Than Running

We may not all be runners, but we each find ourselves on various journeys in life. And when we’re on these journeys, having people around who are supporting us through their words, actions, and presence, can be the difference between finishing strong or deciding to give up.

It Goes Both Ways

And just as others can help us continue to move ahead, we can do the same for those around us. Whether it’s traveling next to a friend, encouraging them along the way, or cheering someone on from a distance, we each can play a part in helping others continue down the path they’re traveling — just like others can do for us.

Question: How have others helped you to keep going? How can you do the same for those around you?